Thursday, September 8, 2011
at 11:59 AMPETALING JAYA: A China national ended up with a bruised heart and battered body after confronting her ex-husband who had divorced her secretly.
The 38-year-old, who only wanted to be known as Li, said she met the Malaysian man, who is a feng shui master, in 2005 when he was in China for business.
Li, who is from Fuzhou, said they fell in love and married two years later.
“He suggested we start a trading outlet in Malaysia together. He would handle the sales and I would source for supplies of precious stone carvings from China,” she revealed during a press conference with MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong at Wisma MCA yesterday.
Li did not suspect anything amiss until her then husband told her to extend her business trip to China, which usually takes three months, to 10 months.
“I had not heard from him since November last year, so I flew back on Aug 29 to look for him,” she said.
Li got the shock of her life when her ex- husband told her that she was no longer welcome because he had apparently divorced her in 2009.
“He demanded that I go back to China immediately and threatened to tear up my passport,” she said.
After she refused to leave, he brought another woman to the house and tried to chase her out.
“When I refused, they forced me out of the house. I was also kicked repeatedly,” she said.
The following day, she tried to retrieve her belongings including the carvings, some of which she was helping other traders to sell in Malaysia.
“That was when he showed me a divorce certificate which was dated May 21, 2009.”
Li said she did not remember signing any divorce document but her ex-husband had asked her to sign a document once.
“He told me it was a paper to transfer some property to me and I signed it. I trusted him although I did not understand it,” said Li.
She is appealing to her ex-husband to return the goods as she has to answer to her trader friends.
Chong said he had handled 13 such cases this year.
“Malaysian men should be fair to these women. Some of the men are not responding to my calls to settle their affairs. The women just want an explanation,” he said. (thestar).
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